Page 335 - chs-1994
P. 335
LaK_esliia & LaK_asia,
Congratu!ation.s! I am so
proud of my precious twin girCs.
rrfiese 18 years of Cife tfirougfi
scfioo{ fiave 6een great. I Cove
you 6otfi witfi a{{ my lieart, I
never tfou6tuf e.itfier of you I K_ne.w you wouCtf ma/(;J.
it. I pray anti wisli tfie of
{ucK_ anti success in your 6riglit
futures anti fiope tfiat you two
young {atfies Cove. anti support
eacfi otlier. May (jocf 6e. witli
you 6otfi on your journey
toward success.
'Eve.rCastitl£1 Cove.,
Mom ana 'Dacf
Lakesia & Lakasia Portee - Sr. Ad }~T¥~ 331