Page 353 - chs-1994
P. 353
OF/)!; Y~LAS OF ,91; Y-;tA OF /)/; 'StASS OF .91; Y-;tA
~vin :J{yde
Its very fi.ara to 6eCieve tfiat you're graduating tliis year. It
seems on{y yesterrfay you startea pre-scfioo[, {;Jnaergarten, ana
first graae. ~you traveC aown tfu. aifferent patfis your Cife 0
wi{{ taK.f., a{ways remember to 6e tfu. 6est tfiat you can 6e. You 'Tj
can ao anytfiing tfiat you set your mint! to. Put (joa first in your
Cife ant! :He wiCC taK.f. you far. You fiave aCways maae us very
proua to 6e your parents. 'We wi{{ a{ways 6e fiere for you
tfirougfi good" times ana had.
'Wi tfi a{[ our Cove, >
%om & 'Daa C/J
'We are fiappy to li.ave been cfose to you as you grew to tfiis
specia! time in your Cife. 'We are so very proua of you and pray
gooa tfiings wif{ fiappen as you strive towara the goals you li.ave
set for yourself.
Our Cove aCways, Mama ~ne & Papa ~a
'We are so proutf of you ana a[{ your accomp{isfiments. rrfiere is
I~ notfiing you can't ao witfi fiara worK.. ana perseverance. 'We are
tli.anifuC for (jary Jr. and (jregory s Cives. 'We wisfi you
continuea success in wli.atever eruU.avors you uncfertaK.f..
Love, V.ncu (jary, ~unt 'Debbie, (jary Jr. & (jregory
'We are so proua of you atta you li.ave >
accomp{isfu.a so far irt Cife. ~s you cotttimu your 'J'J
searcfi for success in tlie jung{e of Cife, ta~ your 0
fiopes, areams, and our prayers witfi. you. 'Tj
'We Cove you,
V.rtde 'l(jm, ~unt Pam, 'Deret & :Hafey
'IiTTU passes so quidjy ... it sums [iK!- onfy ywwfay
tftat you startuf first (jratk, but insutU{ yOu 'rt
graauarring from lirgli sclioof. You liave succuattf in so
mucli, but notliin(j as grEat as tliis!!! f am so p'J!.pua
of you aruf wi.Sii you continuu{ success. 0
CCYJ{§'R.ftTUL.!it'TJOJ{S (j~'DW!TE ....... .
Love you, jlunt Sliaron (PS.fook.Jor tlit liitfatn
~ message)
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