Page 357 - chs-1994
P. 357
.9Lmy Marie Cassidy
Wfiere fi.a.s a{{ tfie time gone. . .
It seems on{y yestenfay you were {eaming to ta{(g.
your first steps. 'J{pw you are taf(jng anotfier step
6y graauating from liigfi scfi.oof.
We fiave a{ ways fe[t tfiat you were given to us
from (jot! as a specia[ gift, to watcfi you grow,
ana mature into tfie 6eautiju[ young [aay you 6ecom.e. You are a caring ana roving person,
aon 't cfi.ange your personafity to conform to wfiat
otfiers tfi.inkt a[wa.ys stana strong in your faitfi. in
tfie Lor£ See/( :;{is wi{[ for your fife ana :J{e wi[[
a[ways guiae you in :;{is pathway. We are proua
of you!!!! We wve you!!
:Mom, '1Jai, ana 'lim
Congratu{ations C{ass of (94
Amy Cassidy Sr. Ad )J!~l 353