Page 380 - chs-1994
P. 380
Eddie Norris
We want to be just like you when we grow up.
Love Ya Lots,
Krystal and Kristina
Aupst 1,1991
"You c11n do tdl things
Christ who
"Owr Wilt Buddy" W< grtw up togtfhtr! Wt htlptd yow takt your f~rst
Iiiii< Nby sltps and .. yow ta.lct tht b•g sltps ~nto tht fwlwrt well bt thtrt
to htlp yow.
Wt always told yow thai we wanted yow to havt tht btsl l•f• has to offer
thai's btcaWSt yow art tht BEST son a partnt could ask for .
Wl!tn yow w<rt 'DOttd "&st All Around" 1t fit yow ptrftel/ Wt art so
proud of your ocadtmJC and athlttJC accompl•shmtnls, but ntost of oil
..,..,. proud of tht 1/0NEST, INDEPENDENT, n:rnUGf.NT young '""n
thaJ yow art.
With all your Good Roottd tratts, f.dd1t yow wtll swccttd!l Good luck tn
tht fvtwrt, .. yow conllnwt (as always) to bt tht btst yow can bt.
Wt lorN! yow Buddy,
Mom and Dad
Thanks for all lht wonderful mrmonr>
l.ovt your bigg<S! funs,
Mom, Dad, Krystul, Krt.•!tnu, Cranny .
Papa, Undt Donald, and
Aunt Jan