Page 383 - chs-1994
P. 383
Once I had a Dream ...
... that I gave birth to a beautiful
baby girl. This little girl was perfect in
every way. JShe had perfect little
fingers, tiny little toes, a smug nose, no
hair, and a big, juicy smile. Suddenly,
overnight, she became a big baby and a
few things changed. She had hair and
her little fingers grew. She was wiser
and more beautiful than I'd imagined
and very jolly, but her big, juicy smile
remained the same. I awoke and there
she was, my Shclia, my baby. And I
discovered that dreams can come true.
Shclia, thanks for being there when I
awoke. It's love that keeps us
dreaming and reaching for a star--it's
love that makes our lives worthwhile,
no matter who we arc. And if I
dreamed a lifetime, and searched the
whole world through, I know that I
Shelia, could never find a baby as beautiful as
Role models are very important. I have you. You've made me so proud. God
tried very hard to be a positive role bless you and keep you forever and
model for you. Mom and I think that ever!
you are really, really special. You've Mom
always been there whenever we needed
you with more than enough kindness,
You go girl!
funny jokes, and just the right amount of
Love, Brittany
love. We really can't say enough about
the joy, and happiness you've brought
to our lives, and how very proud we arc
of you. Sometimes during a busy school
day, I find myself wondering what
you're doing that very minute, and I
wish that we could be together. And no
matter what's on my mind, I'm always
interested in whatever happens to be
happening with you, because I care
about you and everything that touches
your life. So, I want you to know that
even though we're both wrapped up in
our own activities, you're still right
here warming my thoughts, and
touching my heart.
Your Big Sister
Sheila Steward - Sr. Ads ~- 379