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I  would  like  to  thank  everyone  who  helped  and  contributed  to  this  book.  It has  been  a long  year  and  we  have  all  learned  a lot
          from  it.  I  would  especially  like  to  thank  Michelle  Borst,  Business  Manager  for  all  of  the  extra  work  and  pages  she  has  done.  Besides
          keeping  me  straight  and  helping  me  to  make  it,  she  has  completed  her  pages  and  helped  with  everyone  elses  beautifully.  You  have
          become  one  of  my  best  friends.  I  could  never  thank  you  enough  for  all  that  you  have  done.  Thank  you  to  Georgia  Chamberlin,  index
          editor,  and  Patti  Register,  sports  editor,  for  all  of the  extra  work  and  time  put  into  this  book.  Never  forget  breaking  in  the  school  just
          to  get  a cropper  and  picture  stickers,  taking  a computer  home,  or  staying  up  late  to  try  and  finish  just  one  more  page.  You  have  been
          wonderful  friends  and  I  thank  you.   A special  thank  you  to  all  of  the  other  sectior:t~editors for  a job  well  done:  Rachel  McClellan  and
          Dawn  Langston,  senior  section  co-editors;  Rebecca  Carter  and  Nikki  Christensen,  junior  section  co-editors;  Laura  Collins  and  Katie
          Tompkins,  sophomore  section  co-editors;  Teresa  Torrans,  freshmen  section  editor;  Brenda  Vinton  and  Esther  Lee,  student  life  and
          features  co-editors;  Amanda  Ogden,  academics  section  editor,  Michael  Miller,  faculty  and  staff  section  editor;  joel  Foreman,  clubs
          section  editor;   Brandi  Holten  and  Marie  Lang  senior  ads  co-editors;  Derriel  Cribbs  and  Lee  Mixon,  for  helping  wherever  you  were
          needed  and  hardly  ever  complaining.  Karen  Smith,  Keni  Phillips,  and  jessica  Furst,  thank  you  for  taking  over  the  junior  section  at  the
          last  minute.   Thank  you  to  Stephanie  Peters  and  the  Sadler  Twins  for  all  of  the  hard  work.  You  were  always  willing  to  help  and
          never  complained.  You  have  helped  me  and  made  my job  so  much  easier.  Good  luck  to  Karen  Smith  with  next  year's  yearbook,  it's  not
          as  easy  as  it  looks.  Last  of all,  I  apologize  for  all  of  the  times  I  have  yelled,  gave  anyone  a dirty  look,  or  made  you  get  out  of my  office.
         I  have  just  tried  to  make  this  book  the  best  possible.  Mrs.  Carter,  thank  you  for  all  of  the  times  you  defended  me,  helped  me,  and
          believed  in me.  You  are a wonderful  person  and  a great friend  to  have.
                                                                    Krysta  Cannon

               It  has  been  a  hard  job  working  on  the
         yearbook  and  rushing  to  meet  big  deadlines
         every  month.  Even  though  you  have  been  very
         demanding  of  me,  I  know  that  you're  just  doing
         your  best  to  make  this  yearbook  the  best-ever  at
         Columbia  High.   This  yearbook  has  caused  us
         much  grief and  stress,  but  it  has  brought  us  closer
         together.  Although  it  was  tough  working  on  the
         yearbook,  it  has  given  us  many  good  and  bad
         memories  of  our  senior  year  to  look  back  on
         forever.   Next   year's   yearbook  will  never
          measure  up  to  the  supremacy  of  ours.   This
         yearbook  has  caused  us  way  too  many long  hours
         of drinking caffeine  to  keep  us  awake,  bug-eyes  from  sitting  in  front  of  a  computer  for  hours,  and  sore  throats  from
         screaming  at  anyone   who   came  in  the  backroom.  You  have  been  the  best  editor  this  school  has  ever  known,  but  you  have
         also  been  one  of our  best friends.  Congratulations  to  a job  well  done!
           Well,  it's  been  very  frustrating,  but  we've  finally  made  it  through  our  senior  year.  Working  with  you  on  the  yearbook
      s been  type  stressful.  I  think  that  working  on  the  yearbook  has  taught  us  to  be  able  to  get  along  better  with  each  other.  Yes,
      us  yearbook  has  been  a  burden,  but  ali-in-all  it  has  turned  out  to  be  the  best.  Looking  back  at  all  the  times  you  pressured  me
      I finish  a  page  or  type  captions,  you  got  on  my  nerves,  but  I  knew  to  take  it  as  you  just  releasing  tension.  I  hope  that  I  have
      ren  there  for  you  when  you  needed  extra  help  cause  you  were  definitely  there  for  me.  Let's  remember  this  year  as  one  of the
      ardest,  but  funnest  years  of our  high  school  memories.  Thanks  for  everything.
                                                                       Love  ya,
           Isn't  it funny  how  some  of the  strangest  things  can  bring  people  closer  together?  Take  this  yearbook,  for  instance.  We
      tve  always  been  friends,  but  now,  after  making  it  through  this  year,  I  consider  you  to  be  one  of my  best  friends.  Even  though
      lt've  had  our  little  scraps,  I  now  realize  it  was  for  the  better  of the  yearbook.  I  know  I  made  a  lot  of mistakes  and  I  know  I
      lissed  some  deadlines,  but  you  still  never got  too  mad  at  me.  This  yearbook  experience  will  always  hold  a  special  place  in  my
      tart,  as  will  you  too.  I  hope  that  we  "editorial  snots"  can  always  be  such  close,  good  friends.
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