Page 480 - chs-1994
P. 480
Sonora Wa[/(sr
Witfi Love to Sonora
Wfien (joe£ is tfie fieaa of
your fife tfien a{{ tfiings wi[[
be a success in your fije.
Jfave faitfi in wfiat you
6efieve ana you wi{{ succeecf.
Love 9vfom
I've trainea you up in tlie
way you sliou[a go, ana
you've ta~n tfie initiative to
fo[[ow in tliat airection. I'm
very proua of you. ! [ave you
'Tfian/(j to my 6rotfier, my
sister Jluare, my 6rotlier-in-
[aw, ana especia[[y my mom
for a[[ tfiat you liave aone.