Page 70 - chs-1994
P. 70

•  I
     It's not the end.                                        •  •     zt  s a  beginnin

          Saying good-bye to Memorial Stadium this
       year  will  not  be  an  easy  task,  but  it  is
       something  every  student  must  sadly  face.
       Having been  here  for  a  full  70  years- since
       1923- students may not be the only people who
       will  miss the stadium.  Alumni, coaches, and
       faculty  will also  miss  the memories captured
       in Memorial Stadium.  The  new stadium is a
       big move for CHS.  The stadium will seat 6,350
       fans.  There will be 2,000 on the visitors side,
       and 4,350 on the home side.  After the stadium
       is built, there is going to be the construction of
       a baseball complex, soccer field,  tennis courts,
       and renovation of the football  practice fields.
       The  estimated  costs  of  all  these  new  fields
       will come  to  approximately $2,300,000.  They
       should  tum out  well!  The  football  stadium
       should  be finished  by  1994,  so  there will  be
       something  exciting  to  look  forward  to  next
       year.  So,  instead of seeing just a  pile of dirt
       around  the school, imagine the new stadium
       and  fields  that  will  be  there  next  year.  It's
       not  the  end  of  anything,  it's  only  the
                                                  Soon tennis oourts will OCOJPY the space behind   Can you envision progress here?
                                                  the sophomore wing.

       -                                       I


             A new roadway system is underway and will soon   The bare field anxiously waits for the new baseball complex which will be built upon it.
             make traffic much eas1er.

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