Page 73 - chs-1994
P. 73

Three  years  separate  their  ages  but
                                                                                     nothing  could  separate  the friendship
                                                                                     between Billy Vinton and his  older sister
                Misty Gaddis and her little brother, Ron Williams, believe that two heads
                are better than one

          Even in such far-off lands like Korea, Linda   Throughout their lives, senior Amy  Piersol
          Lee  and  her older  sister  Esther  enjoy  each   and  her  little  brother  Todd,  prove  that   Although many mistake  them for  mirrored
          other's company.                      their bond runs ''kin" deep.         reflections,  Laura  McClellan  and her older
                                                                                     sister Rachel  have unique personalities.

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