Page 124 - chs-1995
P. 124

Right Now .....

        What ore you going
                                   Snelgrove. Jody
        to do to help the          Soto. Amanda
        Class of  1998 ·leave      Sowards. Debra
                                   Sowell. Robert
        their mark?                Sparks. James
                                   Spradley. Bosephus

                                   Spradley. Paul
           ·ws not what I'm        Spradley. Stephanie
                                   St  John. Matthew
           going to, it's what     St  Lou1s. Jenn1fer
           we're all going to      Stanley. Jenny
                                   Stanley, Susann
                                   Steely, Marilyn
                                   Steely. Ruby
                                   Stephenson. Amber
           - Quatavia Robinson     Stevens. Aaron
                                   Steward. Ame
                                  St1les. Matthew
         ·Make my senior          Stnckland. Dav1d
         class the most fun       Stre1bel. Jeremy
                                  Sullivan. Carmen
         and the most             Summers. Amanda
                                  Sweredeski. Denn1s
         memorable  class."
                                  Sw1sher. BenJamin
                                  Tackett. Amy
         -Crystal Jerry           Taylor. Thyron
                                  Terry. Crystal
                                  Thomas. Cheyenne
                                  Thomas. Jacob
                                  Thomas. Joshua

           ·show more school      Thomas. Tim1
                                  Thompson. Rachel
           spirit."               Thornton. Victona
                                   Tillman. Mose
                                   Tillotson. Micheal
                                   Timmons. Kathenne
           -Tammy Jenkins
                                   Tomlin. Sidney
                                   Tomlinson. Melissa
                                   Tomlinson. Theresa
                                   Towne. Anthony
                                   Turner. Krista
                                   Turner, Shawn
          "Doing  my  best,
          making  good
                                   Vanderploeg. Bnan
          grades,  standing        Vasquez. Elizabeth
          out,  and  showing       Verducci. Adam
                                   V1v1toe. Douglas
          my  school  pride."      Vosseller. Meken
                                   Wachob. Chnstopher
          -Lashoun  Ross
                                   Wade. Cedreck
                                   Wakema. An hony
                                   Walker. Johnny
                                   Walker. Paul
            ·Try to do my best     Walker. Terrance
                                   Walker. Willianm
            in school, to make
            the year of 1998 a
            great, exciting        Walker. Willie
                                   Ward, Garry
            year with new          Ward. Jeffery
            ideas."                Ward. Jenn1fer
                                   Ward. Trav1s
                                   Warren. Sylvester
            -Frederic  Douglas
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