Page 119 - chs-1995
P. 119
We Are Beating The Odds
Ge1sler. Nicholas
Genus. Denzil
Germany. Kimberly
Gibson. Laronda
Gilbert, Just1n
Gilbreath. Heather
Glenn. Kelly
Godwin. Marti
Goss. Usa
Graham. John
Granade. Erik
Gray. Drama1ne
Greene. Cra1g
Greene. David
Gnff1n. Dale
Gnffin. lsiah
Gnff1n. Rebecca
GriffiS, Mary
Gunderman, Corey
Gunter. Tiffany
Hadley. Christ1ne
Hale. Holly
Hale. Lindsey
Hall. Danielle
Haltiwanger. Julie
Harrell. Frederick
Harrell. Timothy
Harrington. Kala
Harvey, Mary
Hawkins. Latonya
Hawkins. Terrance
Hayes. Richard
Heller. Ala1na
Helmick. Daniel
Hentzelman. Joshua
Hermesman. Tabitha
Herndon. Paul
Hershman. Nicholas
Hickox. Chnsty
Hines. Man
Hngson. Marla
H1nkle. Carly
Hitchcock. Krist1ne
Hobby. Randall
Hogsten. Robert
Hogue. Barbara
l.Jeff Word. the
Hollingsworth. Donald
ultimate stud. Is taking a
break from mocking to
rest up for the next
Hornsby. Stephen victim. 2.Nikkl Smith Is
Hostetler. Bradley running errands to the
Hough. Shannon office. 3. Loqulto Perry
Howard. Gregory walls patiently for the
Howard. Ronnie bell to ring. 4.Mike
Howard. Wendy Williams shows us his
sweet smile.
Howell. Domin1que
Hudson. Ryan
Huff. Lowell
Hulett. Suzannah
Hunt. Amanda
Hunter, Michelle
Freshmen ;fit. 11'
Designed by: Sarah Kelly, Julie Sadler, and Melissa Sadler