Page 190 - chs-1995
P. 190

CHS Basketball-Slam Dunking to Regionals ....

        "Repeat  Dr~tncl Champrons"  ami  " \'arsrty  Trger
        llaskcthall "  arc  two  phmsc-.  that  h;n c  11e1 er  he en
        related  to  each  o ther  uutrl  lhl\  year.  a'  CIIS
        an.:omplrshcd that  leal for the lrrsl  trrne  111  hr  lor)
        It  wasu't C<t\),  though . It  looked a' rf Onurgc  l'ark
        11ould 11alk .rway  1\llh the trtlc after II\ ICe  tlelcatrug
        the  Trgers  rn  the  regular  \Cason  and  tak.rng  a
        perfect  K-0  drslrrct  rccortl  rnlo  the  tmrrne)  The
        Trgers,  wrllr  a  5- ~ drslm.:t  mark,  1\llUitl  ha1e  the
        sc~ontl  seed  and  a  first  mund  date  11  ith  St
        \ugu~tine .  whom they  ~plrt with durrng the  regular
        scaM>n  ,\ltltough  the  Trgcrs  won  the  turnover-
        laden  contest  X0-7K,  they  hardly  looked  ready  to
        defend  the  title  the  ne't  nrght  agm11st  powerful
        Ora11gc  Park  I Jowever,  CIIS  played  a  spectacular
        game :md spanked thl' l<.ardcrs, (>5-57  Thrs :-oct  up a
        lrrsl  round  playoff nratcltup  hctwccJJ  ( 'liS  and  H
        \\'alt1>11  lk;u.:h  at  ( 'liS  gy nt  Although  the  nu  bug
        Jut  the tc;rrn  hard and cost  them  two  stnr1ers,  the
       Trgers  :-.ltll  01 crc;.rmc  H .  \\'alton  g(J-79,  in  OT.
       'J Ius  gm c  the  'I1gers  a  lx:rth  111  I he  regional
        pl;.ryoffs  at  Daytona  Beach  along  with  Orange
        Park,  Mmruarin, and slate II J  Daytona  i\lainland.
       The Tigers drew Mainland in  the  fust  round.  Not
       oJJiy  were the Buccaneers  the slate' s  top  team ,  hut
       they  were  playtng  111  front  of !herr  own  fans  111
       thcrr  home  gym  Thrs  comhinatron  proved  too
       tough  for  the Tigers  to overcome and  they  fell  to   Bill  Saunders, the only CHS  player to
       i\larnl;md,  95--44.  Althuugh the season ended  011  ;.r   be on  two district championship teams,
       loss,  the  !.cason  as  a  whole  Wa!>  definitely  a   and  Richard  "King  of Hooters"'
       vrctor)  Congratulatwn".  Tigers,  on  a  Job  well   Bryant show off the  1995 district   Damion  Rossin  shoots the hoop while
       Jon e.                                  championship  trophy.                 Bryan  Brehm  gets  the  rebound against
                                                                                     Ft.  Walton Beach.

           Yeah!!!  We are NUMBER ONE!!! The Varsity Tigers celebrate winning the District title  by soundly squeezing the
     86    juice out of Orange  Park.
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