Page 239 - chs-1995
P. 239
International Club
Front: Emily Keifer. Amanda Ogden. Kristin Cole. Kim McKenny. Rlna Patel. Jayeenl Patel. Amanda Ezell. Mystry Faith. Mlreya Castellon
Second Row: Lewis Walker. Jason Hollingsworth. Darcy Delaney. Lanl Webster. Jlglsa Patel. Kelly Taylor. Sabrina Estes. Clarence Brown.
Jake Joye. Carlos Castellon. Nick Melllke Third Row: Timothy Mimbs. SWede Melgaard. Quinton Melgaard. Connie Moore. Karen Odom.
Lauren Moses. Kim Thomas. Ky11e Markham. Punlta Patel. Josh Crapps. Michelle Bedoya. Wesley Douglas. Carissa Williams. Andrea
Lucht. Just1n Lang. Brad Womble. Matt Bergen. Mr. Mont Fourth Row: Crystal Kerley. Caleb Frazier. Kerl SChmidt. Undo Lee. Laura Collins.
Laura McClellan. Miguel Tepedlno. Ajah Mhatre. Richard Wise. Travis Hunter. Melissa McCarrlages. Keith Perry Back Row: Jennifer Cotnn.
Shantel Eggers. Marie Payne. stasla Timmons. Brandl Daniels. Jenalyn SWisher. Jennifer Douglas. Jessica Christensen. Danlelle Conner
Prime examples of the International
diversity of this club are Mark
Vanzant and Jlglsa Patel.
International Club
teaches students to
appreciate the
uniqueness of different
cultures. Club sponsor
Mr. Montgomery tries to
Interest members in the
student exchange
program, as well as
international affairs. It's
nice to see a club in
touch with the wor1d.
stephen Francis and club secretary Jana Powell walt not so
Mr. Mont radiates a love for teaching. as well
anxiously for lunch to get over.
as sponsoring International Club.