Page 243 - chs-1995
P. 243
N when washing any variety of farm animals. It FFA members Lucl Rogers. Grange Cotnn. Aaron Could this be man's new best friend?
always helps to point the cow In the right Boyette. and Mike Huelskamp travel far and wide Apparently so. according to stephen Bailey.
direction. Jon Reagan. the rest Is up to you. to attend competitions. who stands by his heifer to the end.
Front: stephanie Newcomb.
Katie Friar. Suzy Hulett
S.cond Row: Betty Drawdy.
Michael Morrison. William
Dews. Lucl Rogers. Nick
Hershman. Clay Sparks. Tyler
Williams. Tony Davis Third
Row: Charles Metcalf. Chris
Schwenn. Amanda SUmmer.
Dustin Bailey, Ryan Hudson.
Justin Blakely. Butch Smith. Mr.
Flegart Back Row: David
Leslie. Dessle Zierke. Timmy
Harlod. Bryan Jones. Ryan
Brown. Curtus Kohn. Michael
Dickson. Wiley Feagle. Ber41
Front: Matt Grinstead. Chrlst1e
Snelgrove. Kim Bryant.
Angela Rogers. Carrie Merritt.
Lynn Simmons. Penny Parrish.
Tracy Marsett. Allsca
Thomas. Melissa Feagle
Second Row: Chris Graham.
Danny Tompkins. Hugh
Glenn. Aaron Boyette. Lewis
Walker. Chris Stewart.
Johnathon Taylor. Forrestt
Hewes. Jared Lane. SCarlett
Parnell Third Row: Sadie
Adams. Harold Barry. J. D.
Pettyjohn. Drew Law. Brad
Crews, Josh Phillips. Chris
Ward. Jamie Tannachlon.
Matthew Bailey. Nell Dinges.
Jon Reagan
,lilt; FPA/239