Page 245 - chs-1995
P. 245
French Club
Front: Shelly Spears. Tonya Fountain. Beatrice Bendena. Bridget Bourle. Janna cole. Mlreya Castellon. Michelle Bedoya. Marissa North.
Alana Manzer. Erin Gelbelg. Carissa Williams Second Row: Tommy Dorsey. Ryan Heckathorne. Brett Pettyjohn. Jake Carson. Darcy
Delaney. Carlos Castellon. Josh Crapps. Punlta Patel. Chris stewart. J.L. Layle.levl Bennett. Mark Vanzant. Mrs. Wise. steven Somera Back
Row: Alexandre Rezende. Jessica Williams. Tomalcla Rowe. Rebecca Raulerson. Cathy Taylor. Melissa Gaskill. Michelle SChwartz.
Janelle mlxon. Justin Slaymaker. Dave Mehta. Karl SChmidt. Norl Thomas. Will Moseley
Columbia High French Club enjoys
learning all the aspects of the ·language
of love· . French Club members also
enjoy plays and other entertaining
learning opportunities. Ms. Wise leads her
members to higher levels of her officers a major role In
the accomplishments of the French Club.
From participating in the toy drive to simply
learning the language French Club
cont1ibutes a lot to Columbia High.
Nothing entices Ms. Wise's students more than a good ole bon bon.
Ms. Wise's French students are lucky enough to~ whle
learning the language. ---
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