Page 206 - chs-1996
P. 206
'1or man~ ~~ars th~
stu&t~nts of Columbla ~L~h
School hao~ b~~n
.partlcLpatln~ ln th~ Sct~nc~
'1alr. 1hts ls a chanc~ to
~~t th~ f~~t of com.p~tltlon
an&t to l~arn about oth~r
r~ort~ an&t th~lr tal~nts.
1h~ Sc~nc~ '1alr also
stu&t~nts t~arn about th~lr
own tal~nts an&t sl<llls .
Som~ of th~ thln~s that
~ou can wln ar~ mon~~
an&t SOt'Yl~ r~ork can ~O~n
~o so far as ~~ttln~ a
scholarshl.p. .1rtan~ of th~
stu&t~nts that .partld.pat~&t John HMt21tman, Sudhir Bhaskar, and Matt St.John wait pati«11:ly by for tht rtSults of tht sophomort stction of
thls ~~ar ar~ ~oln~ to th~ tht Sci«lct fair.
<l~~lonal Sc~nc~ '1alr.
f'ltastd as punch is tnt only thing !:nat can txprtSs how Christa VIning fuls Hick Meilikt happily shaktS Supu--int«ld«~t Diant Lant's hand at tht award
right now. cutmony htld at Columbia High North Campus.
~ Gan 1$ ont of many sophomortS in tnt frtShman wait amdously for thtir awards.