Page 207 - chs-1996
P. 207

rrA-north ·  1st Row, Arct'U Cool:,  s~ Samar, Ami>« Pus~.  LUU erown, Asl"tca &tiJin9, Tlista
        Amanda Pamdl stands guard by her Science fair projt-et making sure no   DICkS, ...¥$~ SUiovan,  Dar4  l<oln11<j£<ln, 2nd  Row,  lo~ Kuton,  nttany Norton,  nttany  Moo~.
                                                            eonr-H tt.Jdskamp,  C~ All>ntton,  ~dan~ Alford, &ily eurch, Skuw f'~n11gton,  Sonya  Kirt>y, &ily
        one gets any ideas about sU31ing her idea.          Evans,  Clvis  DIClts, 3rd  Row,  SUJ>han  Edwards,  Eint>~th ..!tMS,  Mb Shop,  ...bsh  Waldrm,  Kald>
                                                            Douglass, Ru\'1S  Warn«, Rout Houston, Jason  &utl«, fol>u  f'~tty,  Mr.  ~ut.  4th Row,  Jason
                                                            Katr4, ...bsb  Pafford, ..Us tin  Shipp, .J«tmy Dust, Jam~ HICk~. f.W. &rinckfty,  Michael  Goodman,
                                                            Lan~ Stapdton, Andy Shrad«, f'hilop  Starling.

         Wt-S  Douglass explains the water quality of Alligator Lake to Dominique   Even  though Chemistry is hard  Samantha Dossett provt-S  that 'W'here there is a
                                                             .,.;11  there is an A as sht- shows us her Scienct- fair projt-et.
         Connor to try to get her to go s'M4mming .

        ...Uu Hall:lwanger provt-S that if you drt-Ss for succt-Ss you   Donna Plict-looks vuy succt-Ssful at the Scienct- fair,   fV!ita PaUl I$ on• of many .. lmi<n that ar. going
        can accompUsh  many futs, such as bdng able to got to   almost Nkt- a proft-Ssor   ~lonal$,
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