Page 212 - chs-1996
P. 212

s~ tuttn~  th~  r~st ~Yld  honottn~  th~

                  ~<l_O;tC  C~Yl 't  c~moft~u<\1~  it's  Yt~~t

                       JROfC  is  a  program
                to de.vt.lop  and pre-pare. young
                stude.nt.s  for positions in  t.he.
                military.   lt.  he.lps   t.he.m
                unde.rst.and  t.he.  de-dication  it.
                t.ake.s  in  t.he.  military.  lt.  not.
                only  shows  hard  work  but.
                re-sponsibilitie-s as wt-11.

                                                rwo of til~ .JR()T"C students carry til~r fla9 ...;til fi9er Prid~ in  til~ Hom"omin9 parad~ 'Wt!il~ holdi19 tileir huds up

            MSG McGroarty, L~ T"a)-4or, and SGM Bel tak~ a
            l>t¥ak for til~ camera.

                                               Marr:us  G09gins, Jenrifer Bouike,  Brad Clyatt,
                                               Rot>ert Kato, Josh Moore,  and rommeron Timmons

                                                                                   L~ft, 1~, ¥ft, right, ¥ftt Rorc students practic~ tileir
                                                                                   marr;hi~ for til~r n~xt went.

             Nicol~ Jo~, Jami~ fi.Jp, and Josh Waldron  ~k~
             tim~ to ~k~ a pictur~ t:Ny r~ort fOf' duty.

                                                 Rmursi~ and practici~ is  l+'t!at male~ til~
                                                 l>#ter tilan perf"t.

             .JR()T"C ~ts ready to marr;h in til~ Hom"omi1g                       Rd1"c• Norman, Shaun Chapman,  Chrisuna  Plin<;~, and
             parade ...;til prid~o                1hty sum to haY~ no trout>¥ pracucin9-  Ronn~ Howard ¥ad til~ way in  ~ Hom"oming parad~o

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