Page 228 - chs-1996
P. 228

This  page. is  dt.dicatul  to  the.  North
      campus  activitie-s  that  we-re.  not
      fe-ature-d  on  the.  pre-vious  page-s.  We.
      want you to know that we.  appre.ciau
      the.  positive.  inftue.nce.  that you  are.
      bringing to tht. community.

      Extra,  ~xtra ... r~ad all  aPout it!  Th~ North  campus
      acquir~ it's o\ltfl  Joumalis m class  to h~p kup Poth
      campus~ inform~ of th~ North campus  acti'riti~s
      and  n~ws. l~ PY ~itor Oli'ria  ~os, and ad'risor,  Mrs.
      Lu,  th~y ar~ makin~ a  ~r~at ~ffort to  P~ ~ffutiv~

                                                                                                         StudMts  shown
                                                                                                         h«~ ar~ part of a
                                                                                                         pro~ra m  and  ar~
                                                                                                         Mjoyin~ a 'risit to
                                                                                                         Yal m   Gard~n
                                                                                                         c~nt~r.   fh~y
                                                                                                         MUrtain  many of
                                                                                                         th~  old«  p~opl~
                                                                                                         and  Mjoy   th~ir
                                                                                                         company as  well.
      Making  n~w  friMds  no  matt«  'M'lat  th~  ag•
      diffU"Cnc•,  is  most  important to  th.s~ fr.shmM.
      And its ot~Yious that thtir friMd agr~.

                                                                                                         instructions  from
                                                                                                         Mr.   fl~~~rt  on
                                                                                                         Tractor   Dlivin~
                                                                                                         saf~ty,  Sk~~t~r
                                                                                                         Y~nnin~ton  is
                                                                                                         rtady  to roll .•.

                                                                                                         And  I  gu~s sh~
                                                                                                         didn't  listM  too
                                                                                                         well,  or Mr.  A~«t
                                                                                                         wouldn't  hav~ to
      lht. agriculturt. class is  making  grnt sUidt.S  to help  kup                                     chas~ h«  do\ltfl,
      our  world  tlt.autitul.  fht.y  woric  hard  to  kup  naturt.
      prominMt in  Columtlia  County.                                                                    Good joP, Skut«!
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