Page 229 - chs-1996
P. 229
"th~ StCiff of th~
199 b Cotu m bi.Ci VJ to ~xt~nd ~xtrCi
etppt~ci.etti.OVI to th~ WletVI~
tocCi t busi.n~ss~s thCit hCiv~
contri.but~d to th~
ptoducti.oVJ of thts boo~ ...
Yout ~~VI~tosi.t~ thts ~~ett<
etnd i.n petst ~~ett$ hets
&~~VI COVI$tetVIt $UffOt't i.V!
met~i.VI~ thts th~ bt~~~st
etVId b~st ~~ettboo~ i.VJ
:flori.dCi 1
- s~t~h ~~u~. edttot,
Cot\7LYI c~tt~t . .2ld\7i$Ot,
~nd th~ 199b Cotumb~n st~ff