Page 279 - chs-1996
P. 279

Congratulations,  you
                                 CharlleBrown.   you                                         finally  did  ltl
                                 finally  made  ltl   We                                     I  wlah  you  the  beat  of
                                 always   knew   you                                         luck  with  the  path  you
                                 would.  Good  luck  with                                    chooaa  to  take  for  the
                                 college,  and  all  lne  haa                                rest  of  your  life.  May
                                 waiting  for  you .  Don't                                  God be  with you.
                                 forget  that  no  matter
                                 what,  your  family  Ia                                        Love,
                                 always  there  for  you.                                       Slsay
                                   We  love  you,                                           Congratulations!   I'm
                                 Tony.   Bobble   and                                       proud  of  you  Baby
                                 Christopher                                                Slater.

                                                                                             This  Is  just  the  first
                                                                                            step,  there  will  be
                                                                                            many  more  and  through
                                                                                            it  all  you  have  been and
                                                                                             always  will   be   my
                                                                                             Sugar  Bear.

                                         To  my  little  sla,
                                           I'm  glad  I  have  you
                                         aa  my  little  slater.  It
                                         allowed  me  to  blame
                                         everything  on  you  when
                                         I did  aomethlng  wrong.
                                         Juat  kidding.  I  want  to
                                         t  e  II   you
                                         Congratulations,  and
                                         I'm  very  proud  of  you.
                                         Remember,  you  can  do
                                         anything  If  you  aat  your
                                         mind  to  it.  Good  Luck
                                         with  college  and  your
                                         futurel  I Love  Youl
                                           Your Big Sis,
                                           Sonya (smurf)

                                                     You  are  ao  very
                                                  special  to  me.  You  are
                                                  and  will  always  be  "My
                                                     Through  all  of  the
                                                  obstacles   In   your
                                          finally  made  Ill
                                                  I'm  eo  proud  of  youl
                                                     I  wish  for  you  a
                                                  happy  heart,  a  quick
                                                  smile,  and  an  endless
                                                  supply  of  patience.  May
                                                  your  heart  be  filled
                                                  with  love,  and  may  you
                                                  be  able  to  endure  the
                                                  bad  times  with  grace
                                                  and patience.
                                                    Above all,  be  .t>le  to
                                                  love  and  to  forgive.
                Thanks                 to          Anderson                   Columbia

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