Page 284 - chs-1996
P. 284

fJLmbar  J.  'Diaz

                   Ylm6ar,                                                              'En {a vUfa material se
                       We nave 6een frieruls for as                                    o6tienen triunfos y se
                   fong  as  I  can  remem6er.  We                                     aisfrutanj pero  {a  riqueza
                   fiave  always  stuct  togetlier                                     inagota6le {a ia el
                   tlirougli  tlie  gooa  ana  6at£,                                   conocimiento en La
                   nappy  ana sat£ situations.  9{p
                                                                                       Pala6ra ie 'Dios.
                   o6stacle  coula  ever  overcome
                                                                                                  'Ie amamos,
                   our frienisliip.  If we  sliouU£
                                                                                               Jesus y Petrica
                   ever  nave  to  part  ana go  our
                   separate  ways  you  wif[ always
                                                                                       I'm Proud of you  'sis ".  You
                   6e  in  my  lieart.  7"ou  are  tlie
                                                                                       are  a 6ftssing to me.
                   6est  friena  anyone  coula  ast
                                                                                         Tt quitro Mucfw!
                   for.  rrlian~ for  always  6eing
                                                                                       QjJ.itn tt tksea fo  mejor del
                   true to me.
                                                                                       mundo y tf mayor it fos
                   'f1?J'E9{1JS  '}" O'.R.J:-o/F/RJ
                           Love you always,
                              Sara 'D.

                                                                         We{{ you are fina«y graiuating ani
                                                                      leaving us.
                                                                          7"ou wif[ always 6e  my 6est frieni
                                                                      no matter liow far apart we are.  I wisli
                                                                     you only tlie 6est tnat life can offer.
                                                                                       7"our 6est frien~
                                                                                           Merilea 'Daugfitry

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