Page 329 - chs-1996
P. 329
Brad Dicks
~ema like only yeaterday we were watching you
head off to your firat day at achool. and I wag praying
your guardian angel would watch over and protect
you. Now we're writing thi3 note to put on your
~nior page. If "time flie3 when you're having a good
time", then we aure had a good time with you! We'll
alwaya remember all thoae excjtiog Tiger football
gameal We have watched you grow into a gtrong,
handaome young man that we are truly proud of.
Worda cannot expreu the joy and happineu you have
brought into our live3. ~ juat remember alwaya that
we love you very much and keep thi3 forever in your
heart: "I can do all thinga through Chri3t which
at.rengthenet.h me." Philippian3 4:13.
Mama & Daddy
Brad Dicks/Sr. Ad 323