Page 333 - chs-1996
P. 333
:Jvlic nson
Liz, I'm so prozuf to liave a tiaueliter friJ you anti I wisli you tlie
6est in fife, I fovt you. (])atftiy
Liz, I fove you, anti am very prozuf of you. )Is a parent watclies
tlieir cliiUfren grow up, tliey liave all tlie 6est liopes anti tireams
for tliem. So far you liave just a6out Jiffeti tliose liopes anti
tireams. )Ill tliat is fejt is coffege, fami(y, anti career. Sometimes
tliere liave 6een some rougli spots, 6ut you maae it, a parent
couUfn't ask._for a 6etter tiaunliter tlian you are. So remem6er
even tliounli you are an atfuft anti contro{ you own fife, your
mama will afways 'tVOtry a6out tier 6a6y. -Love you very mucli,
To my {if sister a>e66fes, <You finally matfe it. Way to go fittfe
sis. I'm very prozuf of you. I k_pow it seems friJ forever to get to
tliis point in our fife, 6ut tlie 6est part of your fije. It's still
alieatf of you. We're a« so prozuf you've accompfislieti so mucli.
I'm very fuc~ anti prozuf to liave you as my fittfe sister. I k_pow
wlien we were ijtfs I saitf, I wanteti to tratfe you for anotlier
sister, I was just mad". ~mem6er to stick._ to your goals anti you
will go far in Cife. Congratufations anti 6est wislies, I will afways
6e liere for you. I lOve you. -<Your •CBig• sister,