Page 351 - chs-1996
P. 351
fllsfi{ee YLdair Owens
?'ou li.ave brouglit us joy aru£
tlirougliout tlie years. 'Witli eacli step in your [ije, you
liave sliown tfetermination ana strengtli. %ay you
continue to ao so as you meet your future clia{[enee.s. 'We
are very proua of tlit fine person wliicli you liave become.
'WordS can't ezyress liow proua we are of your morafity,
inte{{igence aru£ iru£iviauafity. J3..[ways remem6er tliat
wliatever airection [ife ta/(J,s, we UJi{[ afways fove aru£
support you. ~member if its meant to 6e, it UJi{[ bel
Congratulations aru£ gooa [uc.K_ to you aru£ a[[ your friendS
in tlit Cfass of '96.
'We Cove you,
%om, 'Daa aru££y