Page 353 - chs-1996
P. 353
Darcy Lynn De1aney
To My Daughter.
I'll never forget the day you came Into my
life . I knew from the moment I held you and
looked Into your eyes. that you would become
the special person you are. You are such an
Important part of my life. If only you could
know how wonderful It Is to have a daughter
like you. To see you smile. to listen to your
Ideas. hopes. and dreams. to watch you grow
and become the person who are. has given me
so much joy. I am so very proud of you.
Now It's time to follow your dreams.
Reach for the stars. Have the courage to
always do what Is right.
Darcy, I'm always here for you. Nothing
will ever come between us.
To My Best Friend, My Sister,
TO Darcy Lynn,
It may seem you have always been there "in my
shadow, bul you have always been In my sunshine.
You have been "The Wind Beneath My Wings·. We
have been through good limes and bad , bul
together, wilh Mom always there, we made il.
YOU HAVE MADE IT. This is your beginning. You
can make anything of your life. Don'l sellle for
less, go alter your dream. Never be afraid. Never
give up. Mom and I are always here for you. Thank
you for being there. I Love You.
Always Love and Laughter,