Page 36 - chs-1996
P. 36
My nanw. is Dcmck Jone-s. I'm ~ht.un ytar5 of agt. lliv~
\14th my mom. I hav~ a sis tu and a l;)roi:Nr, llov~ spot"t$ and my
friulds. The. r~on ...,y I think I was picked for th~ friendlie-st
senior is i:le<;aus~. if IV~ s~ you l:l«or~ or I kn~w you I would wav~
or spc.ak. That is the. ki1d of puson I am. I su no harm in sp~ing
t4 anyone. All ~an say is that's how I was rais~. -Dcniclc Jone-s
There. is no wasurc. ~~tu than a ftiM<J. I enjoy talcing t4
c.vuyon~ wales l:ly wen if I don't know t:h~m. llov~ ~ting n~w
pc.optc. and making nc.w mends. So I try t4 1:1~ as nic~ t4 c.vuyon~
as I ~an. -Kt.lly Rol:linson