Page 38 - chs-1996
P. 38
~OS~ 11(t£1Y ~o
ll:lek¥~ that I wa5 voUd at •mo5t fikdy to 5uccud• l:l"au5~ God
ha5 I:IIU5~ ~ v.1th natural inttlli9Mc~. l:lut h~ has also l:ll~s~ m~
v.1th my two grA~t atUil:lu~. and d~tuminat:lon.
\Mlatcvu I ~tout to do I am always confid~t that I \WI 1:1~ on~ of th4-
l:l~t at it. If I'm not good at 5o~thing, thM my detuminat:lon driv~
~to wortc unti I l:l"o~ l:lettu.
If God contln.u-5 to ~the way he has for 17 )l(-3r5 and I know
he v.11, thM I might w~ ~xcud my own ~:.putat:lons.
- fommie Ktllum
I hav~ had put"t attMdanc~ for d~v~ ~rs and I'm curr~tly on
th4o honor roiL I am a meml:lu of the Spani5h Clul:l, McKnight
Achitvu'5 So~ty. ~i9 Bro~/6ig Sstu5 Advisory ~oard, and a
Varsity Ch~du. t'v~ 1:1~ ackno'Wi~~ in 1Mlo'5 IM'Io Amoung
Hi9h School St.ud~t5 for mult:lpl~ ~ars. My car~ plan5 includ~
ol:ltaining a ma5Ws d~ru in ~u5in~5 Managem«1t
Admini5trat:lon. I would al5o som~ay lilc~ to l:l"om~ a pr~id~t or
CEO of a major corporat:lon. l5et v~ high goals for mysdf and I am
mol:ivaUd and ckUf'min~ to reach them.
- Ina Jack5on
13lJ.Iu ~llpot