Page 378 - chs-1996
P. 378
When I first met you I thought you were a
Wh~t .:~n '.J s~~ to ~ou tl,~t '.J ..!on 't "spoiled child" but as the years have gone by
you have developed into a beautiful, bright,
~lt&~..l~ t..rtl ~ou dU&t~..I~~?'.J'm f'tou..l ~n..l lou&
~ou Udt~ mu.:l,. ":tout '(!oo..l f'Olnts f~t &JC.:.,..,...I intelligent young lady. The best present you
~out b~..l f'Olnts ":Jou h~ud b&dn ~ Jo~ ~n..l ever gave me was a letter asking me if you
sout<:d of lou& t~t not ...o&t~on... 1$ fottun~t..r could call me "DAD" and telling me you
... nou<(!h to "'JCf'&tl&~ sln<:d tl,.,. ..1~~ wu w"'t"' loved me. I was and am flattered for you to
botn. Wd SUtd l,~u& ..!on... ~n.,l $&&n ~ lot OUdt
call me "DAD" and am proud to call you
tl,"' f'~St 18 ~d~tS eu&t~tl,lri'(J W& l,~u"' b&&n
tl,tou<(!h ~S b.,..,.n ~n "'Xf'"'tl&~ t~t 1$ lo.:~..l "DAUGHTER".
ln ~ Sf'....:~l f'~.:... ln m~ l,.,.~tt. Love forever,
~ ~~ tl,~t ClAn~ ~m& lnto out llu&S Dad
f'Ut us tl,tou<(!h ~ f.,.w tou<(!h tlm.,.s-- but now
out .:b.:l... 1$ .:OMf'f..rl.,· w.,. wlll both ~tw~~ b&
l,.,.t"' fot ~ou ~n..l lou.,. wu U&"M mu.:h-- <l...~.:h
fot tl,.,. s~ts ·~o<)..-;K.'
Lofl4 ~tw~~s .