Page 375 - chs-1996
P. 375
Kristy Jackson and Somer Roberts
I c11n't helm it's ti1m for us to grlldlUlte. It seems It's hilrd to believe thilt we 11re fiMlly here.
like just yesterd/Jy we pltlyed together 111 girls club. It's From playing tether bill/ 111 girl's club to giurng 1m
aiiiiiZing to 1m thilt we 1uroe rmtllined frieruls all this 11duice 11bout sitWltions thilt I couldn't de11l with
time. Kristy, you 11rt the only person thilt I azn
I remember when we were little, you told told 1m to come to in time of need, the only person who
{Ill/ bllck, 11nd you would aztch 1m. We both know undersumds when no one else does, tire on~ person
whllt hllppened thilt d/Jy. But I Wllnl you to know who's there for me if there 11re 11ny di ficulties
thllt since thAt d/Jy, I'w /em~ed on you 11nd depotded (especilllly the one's I'w hild this yt~~r), 11n the only
o" you,11nd you 1uroe newr let 1m filii! T1umk you for person I azn az/1 my best friend! If it weren't for you 1
a/WIIys being there. No 7711lller how filr llptl'l we go, would prolxlbly be lost llhout ewrythin$. H11uing you
there hils helped 1m rtllliu thilt there s more to life
I'll be here for you/Good luck with ewrything in the thiln whilt 71U!tls the eye. Thllnks for 11/WIIys azring.
future. MflY God bless you illWIIys. 1...oue tllWIIys,
l...oue, So71U!r
Kristy Jackson and Somer Robarts/Sr. Ad 369