Page 441 - chs-1996
P. 441
Nicole Lee Sheffield
LivirttJ witli you liasn 't oun tfu£[.
.fo1s mygrayine fwir tfoes ruufif.y tdi..
you stoCt my fuart tfU minutt you wert oorn
antf tfu-ougn a[[ tfuse years .... We've fiJugfUtf, Your adiitrJt.ments are many antf fvst rau,
we've crittf, we've sfl.arttf so muck · only a Jiru{ I fcrww your potmtid is rea[[y great.
motfur Continue to stay focusd, for tfu sky, always remem6ering your You've pai4 your tfues ana always fOUfJFit oact
prayers. 'Tfim wi££ always ot a pfiJa lUre for ~fur tfisappoirttmtnt tfiat couUf fiave gotten
you. you uff tract
Ifovt you.
'Mom I'rJt. always atfmirttf you for tfu person you an,
Jiru{ if you ned me I won't 6t flt.TlJ far.
Luvt. %ways,
Tf'ulw for t~
hLip in Math. I'm
9oing to miss t~
subs, vitkos, 9oing to
T~as Roat!li.oust
antf espuial!y you..
Hope you futve a 9o00
time in co([ege.. (I'[
tr9~ your room antf
!To/ own