Page 446 - chs-1996
P. 446

* * *fl'ammie Marsfia{{* * *

        It seems lih it was just                                                               Since we li.avt  6un
      ytstutfay wlim you WtTt our                                                            :frie.ruls Wt li.avt li.atl notliing
      little  girl.  ?"ou  ~ave                                                              6ut gootl times.  £wn tliougn
      accompG.sfutl a fot arul we                                                            6o~ of us li.avt li.atl ups ani
      art wry proutl of you.  7\                                                         tlowns,  Wt.  always  pu[[
                                                                                             tliroug~ rvit~ Mp from tad
      (jotl in your lift anti you fllili
      maq it all tlit way.  'Wt Ww                                                           otfier.  'Evt.n  tMug~  we
      you very mucn. anti may (jot!                                                          mig~t go our separate ways
      fortwr 6kss you.                                                                       we flli£{ t~ a piue of eacn
                                                                                             otfter s Fitart.
        Mom anti '])at{

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