Page 453 - chs-1996
P. 453

Lauren Moses ani Laura Co{{ins

              Trust is supposed to take years to develop, so JUdging from how much we
        have, one would think we had known each other for centunes. I am continual~ amazed at
        just how true  the  old  saying  about friendship is. It is  all about quality, not so  much
        about quantity. I'Ve never made a faster friend,  but now I can't imagine a time when  I
        didn't know  you. Usually, the ones that make you laugh are the ones that desert you
        when  the  sunshine  darkens. It  is  true  that  I can't stop  laughing  whenever  we're
        together. Only you could make an errand to the Supercenter as much fun as  Disney
        World, pickmg out cards  in  Hallmark a total  laugh  riot,  and  every  other  routme  task
        exc1t1ng. It's  pathetic  when  I th1nk  of  all  that  you  have  done  for  me--from  the
        psych1atnc  advice  to  savmg  me  from  'vagrancy' arrest.  Indeed, you  are  a constant
        source of joy, but you are far from  a lair-weather  fnend. Regardless  of whether my
        sky is approachmg an eclipse or pounng ram, you are  ~ there  for me. It has been
        sa1d  that a person can count his  true friends on one hand. Thanks to you  I am  richly
        blessed, because you  are the equivalent of an ent1re arm II know we Will  never grow
        apart, regardless of where life leads us. Without my nght arm, I couldn't go very far.
                                           Love and thanks,
                                            Laura J. Conins
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