Page 451 - chs-1996
P. 451

Cliad Jf. Stevens

       Dear Chad,
          Congratulations!  You  made  it!  I  always
       knew  you  would.  We  have  had  some  hard
       times,  but  we  have  remained  friends.  I hope
       we  always  will.  You  have  taught  me  a  lot
       and  helped  me  to  get  through  a  lot  of
       problems,  and  I  want  to  thank  you  for  that.
       Work  hard  for  your  dreams,  never  give  them
       up,  and  know  that  if  you  ever  need
       someone  I  will  always  be  there  for  you.  If
       you  are  ever  down,  remember  the  verse,  "I
       can  do  anything  through  Christ,  who
       strengthens  me.·
          Trust  In  the  Lord,

                                                                           Well you finally made It! Congratulations! It
                                                                         seems like only yesterday that we were wishing
                                                                         school was over. now It Is. And now you're off
                                                                         to college. I can't believe we made It this far.
                                                                        with  all  the  stress  of  school  sometimes  It
                                                                        seemed It would never end. I remember when
                                                                         our only worry was which bathing suit to wear
                                                                        to play In the mud. but that has all changed. I
                                                                        know that what ever stress or stumbling blocks
                                                                        you  may run  Into.  you  will  make  It  through
                                                                        them. Trust In the Lord with all your heart and
                                                                        learn not upon your own understanding. You
                                                                        will succeed at anything you do. and you will
                                                                        make your cteams come true! I love you! Good
                                                                                       Love (your cousin).

                               Tara L.  Wi[Ciams

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