Page 53 - chs-1996
P. 53
Monica Brady points out Summ« Rowan's W'ldency to mak~ a
m~s. Balloon popping at fidd day was a popular but nasty ~vent.
Home-coming this ye-ar was a
me-morable. e.xp«imce. for e-veryone.. The.
Se-niors worktd to make. this ytar tht
be-st e.v«, while. the. the. ....Uniors, although
1'uck~r up unsucce-ssful, tritd thtir be-st to ste-al
Mr. Joy~!
the. Se-niors' spotlight. fhe. Se-niors
Many of th~ managtd to take. home. victory, le-aving
the. ....Uniors be-hind by a me-re. 45 points,
w«~ glad to
su th~ir but Home.coming was a fight to the. tnd
class be.twe.e.n the-m le-aving be-hind mixe-d
fulings be.twe.m the. two futding classe-s.
g~t som~
The. Class of '96 had a hard fight, but in
good love.
the. md the. work paid off. The-y had a
be-autiful pe-p rally and we-re. se.nnade.d
with thtir class song.
Seniors 47