Page 58 - chs-1996
P. 58
~ourn~ ttsm :
111~ pow~t of th~
Do you tN« wond« what it take.s to pul:llish a !:look? Th«~ is an
awe.som~ amount of worlc that has to 1:1~ don~. d~adlin~s to 1:1~ m~t.
pictur~s to 1:1~ prinUd, copy to 1:1~ writt«l, and co mput«s nud to
print. Som~ow, som~ way, it always manag~s to g~t don~ Th~
n~wspap« r«luire.s wukly art.icle.s, ~iting, h~adlin~ writing, ad s~ling,
and mor~ worlc than you can ~Y« i magin~ With ~itors lik~ Sarah K~ly
and P'unita 'Pa~ forth~ y~aroook and Laura Collins and Zak Brown, th~
pul:llications classe-s at CHS ar~ full of dash and flash. Aip through th~
pag~s and tak~ a long look at all their worlc!!
Journalism can I>• lots of fun, l>ut 'Wtlct1 \Vho nuds to do th• wortc v.tiU1 ~u can
then is a d.adlin•. studU'Its g•t down to
dtu.gau? Cory Gr~ ~v~ l>y this policy.
CompuUI" ~cy Is a must for joumaism studU'Its. Richard franc~ is practicing up Would you ib to l>uy an ad? arandi arown and Ang~ auni$ cal locall>usin~s~.
on M skils.• Courtrl•Y Rol>uts wori<s on th• compuw.
52 Journalism