Page 168 - chs-1997
P. 168
A Splashing Seaso
The CHS team took a dive into another
great wtm a on with leader Doug
Morgan. The Ti er swimmer didn't let a
maOer ized team get to them. They
wor ed ju t a hard and it paid off in the
end at Di trict and State. They even broke
a few r ord . The girls went to Districts
~ith only 6 girl . Top fini her tn the 50
free -style finalists were April Deland in
fourth, only a half a econd away from
tate, and Erin Shiveler in fifth. Katie
Herndon also had a fourth place finish tn
the 500 free tyle. The girl: relay team
April Deland, Erin Shiveler, Amy Kuttert,
and Jodi Broxrerman, placed fourtn in both
relays. That same team al o broke both
CHS relay record . Amy Kuitert al broke
the 1 brea t troke record
The boys went to Dt trict with seven
wimmers. They had two boy qualify for
tate in individual event . James Puerner
placed third in the 50 free tyle, and Tony
Richards placed third in the 2 fr tyle.
The boy 400 free relay team of Andy
Mattheu , Chuck Peeler, Tonyt Richard ,
and Jame Puemer al qualified for state.
James Puemer and Tony Richard both
placed fourth at state, and the boy relay
team placed thirty eighth. The relay team
al broke a chool record. 'The team did
very well for being such a mall ize. I ho~
next year it will grow in siz and that wtth
the swimmers returrun we Wlll place better
at tate and di tnct ," said coadi Morgan.
The banquet was December 3, 1 .
Awards were given to Apnl Deland- MVP,
Erin Shiveler- Mo t improved, Katie
Herdon- Mo t dedicated. For the boy Tony Front Row: L-R- Coach Doug torgan, mber Bro cher, Erin hivler, my Kuitert, Katie Herndon,
Richards- MVP, athan Tyre- Mo t
Improved, Ben Brown- Mo t Dedicated. 1\.elly Layle Ally on Czearnecki and Jodi Bro terman. tanding L-R-. 'athan Tyre, Gar Wil on,
obody drowned! It wa a great Chuck Peeler, Ton) Rtchard , Ben Brown, Jame l'urner and ndy tatthcw .
Enn htvler, Katie Herndon and Amy Kuitert Allyson tease with the underwater Watching carefully Gary\
are a little chilly after exiting the pool. camera man. out the competition.
Andy Matthews, Gary Wil on, Chuck Peeler and ' athan Tyre are my Kuitert, Kelly Layle, and lly!.on zarnecki are able to po'>e
caught off guard during practice. for a picture under the water.