Page 173 - chs-1997
P. 173

"Your  attitude  wi II  determine  your  altitude ..  "

       Standmg L toR: Coach Ingram, B tty Pollard, Tracy Chisolm, :-..tich  II  Farmer,and :-..ta  e!:>ha  Hill.
        Kn  hn  L toR. Coach \Vat  on Antnce Bar  er, Ca  ie Kmg, and D  iedra Calloway., 'ot Shown:
       Terra Jen  m

        The  JV  girls  try  to  get open  for  a pass                             The  girts  sprint  across  the  court  while
        from  teammate  Tracy  Chisolm.                                            Antrice  Parker  has  the  ball.
                                                                                             Dee  Watson  enter  her  third
                                                                                          year as  Junior  ar  ity Lady Tigers
                                                                                          Basketball  coach  with  a  record  of
                                                                                          24-6.   he  takes  pride in the  teams
                                                                                          and  player  she has coached.
                                                                                               1r .  Doretha  Burges  ,  Mr  .
                                                                                          Watson   high   chool  coach,
                                                                                          tated  "Delois Wabon wa  one of
                                                                                          the  be  t  ba  ketball  player  in
                                                                                          Columbia  County   he  wa  not
                                                                                          only  a  champion  ba  ketball
                                                                                          player,   but  insp i red  other
                                                                                          potential  player  to  work  hard.
                                                                                           he  was  never  ati  fied  until  he
                                                                                          had  reached  her  goal  and
        These  dedicated  players  listen  intently  as  their  coaches   JV  Coach,  Delois  "Dee"  Watson   perfection  wa  accompli  hed."
        give  them  pointers  about the  game  during  a timeout.   smiles  big  for  the  camera.

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