Page 324 - chs-1997
P. 324
\\'~: rernemher the nighh \\hen )OU \\ere a hah) anJ ''e
tooJ O\ er ) our hell anJ thanl\eJ the LorJ for c1 health) hah)
ho). We abo pra)~:J that our linle ho) \\OUIJ gro\\ up to he
trong and hl'alth). That ) ou \\Ould e pl'nen e the jo) of
knO\\ ing the Lord Je~u Chn\1 a ) our per onal s '1or. That
\OU \\Ould eel\ h1s \\ill 111 all \Our deei~ion ol Iii e.
kno\\ing that he ''ill ne\er gu1de )OU. \\rong.
Here \\ e are I ) ear later. ) ou are a trong he It h) ) oung
n~an that nO\\ the Lord and \\ e ti II pra) for ) ou e\ er)
n1ght that God \\ill al\\ U) s guide )OU. , 'o rnaller \\hat
happen in life, rememher that \\1: lo\c )OU anJ God lo\e
)OU. l\\a) ee him fir t and h' "ill "dire t )Our path."
Wnh all our lo\e.
Dad ·~1om