Page 329 - chs-1997
P. 329
•---~~----.'Rachel finn Va.n Ness
'2)t4t 'R4c:}jtl,
)lou 4tt lull ol 7'o#Ltl11t Uttt1'( 4tt.l
lfOU 7'0UtU 4tl t}jt Ltt1tt.iltttU lot 4
tt..,4t.lltt1 ltlt· }tou ..,otk }j4t.l, l4u1}j
oltttt, 4ttd Ht4kt 1oo.l c;}jotc:u. )fou
c:ttt4Lttl1f ktto._, t}jt t4#tt ol ltC"ltlltHttttt
'tc:4 u#t ol If OUt t1tct1'tlott4l lollt ol
MtLHt4l#. q._,o 1'"1'1'LU, C;1t4c:lt 4tt.l ~tto,
'tC:4Htt #Ucctulul do1• lot t"t
'lltt.l. ,4• lfOU cotttlttut t}jt• louttttlf Ltt
) ltlt UHttHt,tt!
W44t ltu 6t}jtttd "'
4ttd ,.,}j4t ltu 6tlott "'
..,,,( tlttlf Ht4tttu c:oHt7'4tU to ~t~44t ltu
..,tt}jt,. ....
- 'R~tl1'4 2mtuott
Wt look lot..,4t.l to lfc>Ut lututt #UC:c:tU
4ttd ..,L•4 'fO" ttut }j47'7'lttU# Ltt ltlt · Wt
1!-ollt 'fOU dt4tl1f·
;1tom 4ttd '2)4,(
(!. ""1'4tultUL•»•• 'R.~tclttl,
(!.lt ... ,.ct
Coneratufa.tions! So you liave firuUiy
!Jr~ I'm happy for you an4 I fwpt
you ao far in {ift. [foot you..
YoW" Uxline sisur,
[foot you aNI [ always wilL
C~! 323