Page 380 - chs-1997
P. 380

                                          In  a[[  tfu  worU  tfure  is  onfy  one 'you"
                                          one  unique  person  with your own  special
                                          qualities.   You  nave  6rougnt  joy,
                                          happiness, Wve  aru£ pridt  to our fives.  'We
                                          nave  taught  you  to  6e  your own  person
                                          aru£ to K_now  right from wrong.  May you
                                          always fo«ow  your  heart  aru£  trust  your
                                          a6i£itits.  It  is  with great  priae  that  we
                                          starul in  tfu  sfuufows  ana watch you go
                                          forwara with your Cife.  Our prayer is  that
                                          you  wi{[ always  6e  true  to  yourself ana
                                          retntm6er  that  wherever  you  go  ana
                                          whatever you tfo,  we UJi{[ always  fvve  you
                                          aru£ 6e  here for you..
                                              Mom, 'Dati, 'Teryra ana 'Tricia
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