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We'll  elp You Get

                                   The Most Out Of


                                                LAKE CITY

                                          COMMUNITY COLLEGE

                                   Just because you're graduating high school doe  n't mean the  fun has to end.
                            Truth is,  it's just beginning.  There's a whole world of new di  covene  m front of you,
                             and we're here to  help you make the most of them.
                                   Your career path can lead you to new and exciting places, and we have your
                            ticket. There's nursing, physical therapy, and a host of other Allied Health programs.
                             How about Golf Course Operations or Forestry, or maybe Landscape Technology?
                             Like Electronics? We'll get you started on a great career path. Thinking about going
                            on to a 4-year college? Well, we're the best start you can have.
                                   Check out all the things we can do to help you make the most of the rest of
                            your life. Financial Aid is available, too. For complete information contact your
                             Guidance Counselor, or call us direct at 752-1822 and ask for the Admissions Office.
                                   So go ahead. Grab some life. To help you make the most of it, start it off here.

                               Route 19, Box 1030 *  Lake City, Florida  32025

                                           Lake  Cuy  Communuy  Collc~:c ts  ace red ned  by  the  Comnussoon on Collcccs of the Southern
                                  Assoctatton of Collcccs and  Schools (I  66 Southern  l...lnc.  Decatur. Gcorc•a  30033 -4097. Telephone number 404  679 -4SOI)
                                                    to award  Associate on  Arts and  Assocoatc  on  Sctcncc decrees
                              La  c Cuy  Commumry Collcec wtll  adhere to  all  apphcable federal , state. and  local laws  reculattons.  and  cuodchnc  woth  rc  pect to  provtdont:
                             rca  nablc  accommodations as rcquorcd  to afford  equal cducauonal opponunny  The Oflicc of Dosablcd  Student Scrvtccs can  provide further
                                                     onformatton and  a  1 tancc  at (  >4)  7S2· I 822 , CAt  1393
                                              l...lkc  Coty  Communoty  Collccc '  an  Equal  Acccu F.qual Opponunny  lnstotutoon

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