Page 429 - chs-1997
P. 429
Su an & Courtnay
lam very proud of you. Ov r the pa t thr yean we have become a
part of each other. I know now and forever that you are the only penon
I wtll ever truly love
I.Dve Alway ,
Kevin Parsons
CongroruJauons' You hol't' finally
mode 11. challeng111g nell' road Will be
awa111ng you . and I ll'lll alll'ays be !herr
10 wall: 11 with you You mean !he ll'Orld 10
me You hal'e been !here for me. and haL•e
helped me lhrough some of rhe mosl
rroublmg umes of my l1fe I om L•ery
graleful 10 haL't' such a wonderful
boyfmud and besl fmnd I'm behmd you
111 el'erylhmg you do. /lol'e you . Pab'
Susan Lang Kev1n Par ons 423