Page 430 - chs-1997
P. 430
Matthew Scott Grinstead
Congratulations! You hat•!! becomt! a t• ry fine and re pon 1ble youn man W1tl1 your rt!at per anality and
your love or life, we know you will have an exCitmg and succe. ul future. May God watch over you and keep you c/o e
alway . Rt!mt!mber, we rv1II alway· be here for you.
Mom, Dad, and Li
It ·eem · like only yesterday tllill it wa~ me wearmg the cap and gown-and now 11 IS you. It' llilrd to believe that
my little brother llils grown up o muc/1, so fa ·t This 1 a maJOr rmlestone in your life and I want you to know how proud 1
am of you. You are a t•ery Important part of my life and I wish you the t>ery be I tiUlt life llilS to offer. Congratulations and
I lote you!
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