Page 130 - chs-1998
P. 130
G tting invohed arning
J h ch llenge and opportunities th t club
member hip pro\ ide are a n " e perience
for man) of the Fre hmen I . Ha' ing a
da) dev ot d to club i a nev\ e periem:e and
gi\ e the tudent a chance to meet nev.
friend and e periem:e the feliO\\ hip of
\\or ing to\\ ard the arne eoal . 1an) of
the club parti ipat d in Homecoming ac-
th ities e\en though the ram forced a can el-
Jation of the par de '1e of the club are
pre tigiou bel; u e the c. ub require good
::··de and no referr I to be a m mber.
Or'le of the club are ba ed impl) on a Peer Mediators
mutual intere t and provide a v. U) toe plore
a pi in an un tructured environment. club ha e trict procedure nd par-
t c. pate in competition v. ith other club in
other chool . \\ hate\ er a tudent might
Mrs Maxwell was so helpful when lln1ng up
students for p1ctures.
Class of 2001 get involved by
JOining clubs and mak1ng a
Freshmen Clubs. 126