Page 132 - chs-1998
P. 132


             perf ct

        he mi. sion of the JROTC is "to moti\ ate
      )Oung  people  to  be  better cititen  ...  The
      24th Fighting Tiger Battalion trie  e\ ef) da)
      to be  ucce. sful in that endeavor.
       In addition to  ucceeding in the cia  room.
      JROT  cadet   re  al  o  'ef)  acth e  in  the
       chool  nd communi!).   cti\ itie  include
      pro\ iding color ,;uard  upport for the  foot-
      ball  game  .   well  a  the  V   Ho  p tal'
      Veteran  Da)  eremon.  and thL  L  1\rm)
      Commi  ioning  Ceremon)  at  the  L nl\ er-
       it)  of Rorida.
        The JROT  al  o ho  t  a) earl)  hri  tma
      part)  for  the  enior citizen  of Columbia
      Count)  at the Golden  gc Proje  t.  Thi  i
      one of the  mo  t eager})  nti  ip  ted e\ent
      that JROT  participate  in.
        The 24th Fighting Tiger Batt  lion partici-
      pated in man) competithe e\ent  thi  )Car.
      The)  have  been  \ef)  sue  e. sful  in  drill
       team, color guard,  nd rifle te  me\ ent  and
       it only goe  to  h  w that practiced   m  e
       per'ed  '
          ch l  I  upport,  community  en ice,
       te<..m  t  rk unG c  mpetition are kc) element
       in the effort to  ucceed in our mi  ion.

                                         football game

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