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CHANCE THOMAS                  (101. Leadership (10), (11), (12)\FHA~12.
                                                                                      Go.ile : "Go to FAMU and majOf'  n psy
                                                       CHEYENNE THOMAS                Memorl .. ,  hed the chence lo heng out w   my crazy
                                                       O.O.B. 1mso P.O.B : Ga•ne  lAUe, FL   fnend
                                                       Fav. Song: "I cen do no wrong" · PI  face
                                                       Fav. Slogan: "So be It •        STY WATERS
                                                       Accompllahmenta: Drame (SI).  (11/, (12). Key Club
                                                       ~~0~, l.Jterag Ma~~ne - ArfEdrtor  10), Art Club (11),   THERON WATERS
                                                       ~~·~~~rt~Ul                    NATHANIEL WATSON
                                                       JACOB THOMAS                   UZA LEIGH WATTS
                                                       Nickname. "Jr                  Nickname: "l.Jza Jane"
                                                       P.O.B : Ga•nesvlle FL          D. 0. B 8120180 P 0. B :   t  Clty, FL
                                                       Fav. Song  •  hng ., the neme ol"   Fav So~ : "Baby Blue"· Gao~• Stra•t
                                                                                      Accom  ahmente: IA:>Ieybe  9),   (lil)  Socc  r (8),
                                                       ~~~~~;~~the beg"               (10). (11), Talent Search (SI), F  A ConventiOn (10)J(1_.!).J12)
                                                       Memort .. , "The throw· down 1n Publix perllng lot Dey-  Go.ile : "(;o to LCCC, then UF and mapr nan   !lCUIUilll
                                                       lone Beach, Motel 3, the Farm •   field·
                                                                                      Memorl••  "Coech Mobley   ng fun ol me for being IICITI
                                                       JOSHUA THOMAS                  l.Jve Oak."
                                                       TREVOR THOMAS                  ROBERT WEATHERSPOON
                                                       RACHEL THOMAS                  KEV   RUSSELL WEBER
                                                                                      D.O.B  1/18179 P.O.B :Orlando, FL
                                                       VICTORIA THORNTON              Fav Sono: ,, F;y Awa>/'
                                                                                      Goal a: "Ia  • class   al LCCC •
                                                       THOMAS TILLMAN
                                                                                      SHAN  ON LATI  HA WEST
                                                        CHAEL TILLOTSON                ckname: "Shorty  o Hop"
                                                                                      O.O.B  5.116180 P.O B : Ouoncy.  FL
                                                       JENNIFER TINDALL               Fav Song: "Can we get II together"· 702
                                                                                      Fav Slogan .  ~e may doubt whet you say but  ev
                                                       T   ICA TRUTTLI  G             a  ays bell811e   tyou do"
                                                        ickname   ;                   Accomf!lahmente : Be  e  .I (lil), (10), (11), (12), Choir (9)
                                                       D.OB.1Q'1CV79 P.O.B :FtMy  r  ,FL   Goal•:  Attend UF, play   e WNBA, and be  n accountant
                                                       Fev  Song  "Love Scene". Joe
                                                       :-:Jl_!ollan: "Fa•  1n yourself free  you from fear and   PAULLONNE AUYATTA WESTON
                                                                                      Nickname: "Pool<it"
                                                       Goal a: "Go 1111o correctiOns then go 1o classes 1o be a   D.O.B  11130179 P.O.B : La  e C.ty, FL
                                                        ralega"                       Fav Song: •   Cned Out"·   ra
                                                            • : "My  r  and last  me  .ppong ochoof •   Fav Sl~an :"TrueDerDet'"
                                                                                      Accom  lehmente. Afncar>-Amencan Club (9), P a-Col•
                                                       KRISTA TURNER                  guote (1  1), (12), Dance (11), (12), "-!> CliAl (12)
                                                       Nickname:  Kay · Kay"          Goal•: "Four year urwer  ly. mapr 11  PhySICAl Therapy"
                                                       D.O.B  &M!O PO.B.: Ft. Lauderdale, FL
                                                       Fav. Song  "llfe go  s on"Tupec   KATHER  E WILUAMS
                                                       Fav  Slogan: "C'mon now"
                                                       Accompllahmenta: Acedemoc  tter (9), (10), Otama   ROBERT G. WILLIAMS
                                                       Club (91, Beta Club (9), Key Cklb jlil), SocCer (10), Span-  name  "R
                                                        h Club (10). (11 ). Whcis 'Ntto? (  0), (11), Pho ography   P. 0. B : M•aml. FL
                                                       Club (1 0). (11 ), (12)        Fav Song : "Row. Row  Row Your Boer
                                                       Goal• ·ee a Vetennenen and d  sogn clothe  for Tommy
                                                       H  !Qer"                       ~~~~:~n n?~ n ~J:-• ery"
                                                       Memoria•: "Tht cer   e d   on  e  rst day of our
                                                        nooryear"                     SOLOMAN WILLIAMS
                                                                                      JAMES WILLS
                                                                   Vv                 TAIWAN WILLS
                                                                                      CEDRIC WILSON
                                                                                      KANDt SHANAE WILSON
                                                                                      D.O.B. 11130179
                                                                                      Fav. Song : ,ts  •  Kendi", "Bad Mama Jama"
                                                                                      Fav Slogan : "You •  l  nghr
                                                                                      Accompllahmente: Beta (9),  atlona  Hollof Soatty (SI),
                                                                                      Afro Amencan H story (SIJ, HERO (10), Food Prod  VP (10),
                                                                                      Dance \11), (12), Pre-<:olleg   \11). (12)
                                                                                      Goale :  Attend FAMU and majOf'  n BuS  ess Manegemenr
                                                                                      Memorlee  ,  fe  111  the dance rec•tal."
                                                                                      KELLY WILSON
                                                                                      KIMBERLY   CHELLEWOLF
                                                                                       lckname. •  m"
                                                                                      D.O. B. 813180 PO. B.: MonlgOITiery.  AL
                                                                                      Accompllehmente: Beta (Q), (10), (11). (12), FHA (9),  JHS
                                                                                        ' (11 ), (12), French (1 0). (11 ), Art (11 ), Cnmonal Justice
                                                                                      gn .leo(11), (12)
                                                                  Ww                    Ia: "Be • teacher'
                                                                                      M RIAMWRIGKT
                                                                                      D.O. B.  25179 P.O.B :   e C1ty. FL
                                                                                      Fev. Song :"Shere myWori<r· Dru HiD
                                                       CHRISTOPHER WACHOB             Fev Slogan :"Whvdisl  ewhetyouwannabe  ke"
                                                       N ckname. "Foz•e"              Accompl!ahmenla: Track and F•eld (Iii). (1 0), "-!>Club (11 ),
                                                       D.O B  8/S.   PO. B ~Gaine VI  e. FL   ~·  Alro Amencan H•storyClub (11), CECF' (12)
                                                       Fav  Song . "Free Bud"
                                                       Fav  Slogan. "Peer Pressure   f'm far too sen   e •   ~~~~he ~e,:~:,: 9th grade"
                                                       Accompllahmenta : Drame Club (9), Span•  h Club (10),
                                                       W81{lh   ngTeam(10),(11),(12)
                                                       Goal a: "Go 1o collegelo become an electncuon •
                                                       Memoria•  ,  was tht   ng of Ann St   rc:l  and ran  n o
                                                       Chns Sch   b's car"                        Yy
                                                       CEDRICK DEVON WADE
                                                       N ckname. "Cad"
                                                                                      ARTHUR YARBROUGH
                                                       ~~e~:-::~r ':<:~-~;=.;a~M~;;r- FL
                                                       Fav Slogan. ,fa person hasn'llo<.nd SOITI   ng to die
                                                       for,  ev aren   t to  e •
                                                       Goal a: "To go to col ega •                Zz
                                                       PAUL WALKER
                                                       TERRANCE WALKER
                                                                                      DESSIE ZIERKE
                                                       GARRY WARD
                                                       JEFFERY WARD
                                                       BIANCA OACHEWASHI  GTON
                                                        lckname  "Sunky'"
                                                       D.O. B. 1/13180 P.O.B ~ La  e C1ty, FL
                                                       Fav  Song  "1'1 be M•SSing You"
                                                       Fev  S~n : "To God be the Glory'"
                                                       Accom  lahmenta: Chorus (9  , (10), Cheerleader (9),
                                                       10), (1  ), Clas  Officer (9), (10), (11), Otama (9), Beta
                                                       ! 9), (10~Cros  re (9), Honor Society~9), Student Coon-
                                                       a  (9),  10), (11), Homecomong Court  9). (10), (11), (12),
                                                       Talent   rch  (9), (10), (11), (12), FC  (10), Ensemble
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