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AMBER NICOLE NORTON               Fav Song · "Ban .. lh Th  Armor"
        ckname: "Taz"                    Fav Slogan: "All thing  are po   bla through Chnll
       O.O.B  ~1118/J P.O. B.: GalnasvVIa. FL   whiCh strengthen• me.· Phll~piana 4 13
       Fav  Song :"2~ 1"-SpicaG•~        Ac:compllahmente· FCA (II), (10), Chorus (II), (10),
       Fav   ogan :•o. Bomb"             (11), HOSA (12), Chorus· Ensemble (12)
       Ac:compllahmenta: Band (II). (10), (11), (12), History Award   Goa Ia· "Go to UF and become a Dental lab Tach •
       (II), AcademiC Latter (II), (10), (11), Perfect Attendenca (II),
       (10), EducetJonaiTalent S..rt:h (II), (10), (11), (12), a.oo.   JEHONATHAN PETERS
       try Award (10), French Club (10). (11), (12), Nabonal Honor
       Socoaty (10), (11), 4-H (10), (11), (12), Drama Club (12),   REGINA PH LUPS
       SADD (12)                         N cknanM; "Gona•
       Goa Ia: "Be 1 CPA, own a buSII'I   , and be on the COYer of   D.O.B  12/31178P.OB:Ganasllllla,FL
       ·au   woma  ·•                    Fav. Song. ,  can lo\la you"
       Memorl••  "When we hid 1 'Battle of the S.X  'on the bend   Accomplla  menta: FBLA (10)
       bue"                              Goala' "Army"
       KYLENU  ERY                       ROBERT PHILLIPS
                                          cknanM: "Mana-Mane·
                                         0  0 .8  12131178 POB.: Ga•neMia, FL
                   Oo                    Ac:compllahmanta· Track (II), (10), (11), (12), Ba  at
                                         Fav  Song : "111 be ITIISSI'lg you•
                                         b   (II), Croas Counlly (11), (12),  abonal Scholastic
                                         Outdoor Champoonshop (11 ), FHA·Haro (11 ), CniTllnl
       JESSICA O'CON  OR                 Ju  ca (12)
                                         Goa Ia: "Attend the Olympocs 1n 2004 and ma)Oron en
       PRESTON O'STEEN                   Mamorlea  ,  bacama   Amancan  n Track and Field  n
                                         11th grade"
          name  "Red Uon"                TREVA PIERCE
       D.O. B. 3122/8/J P.O.B : Jaci<son'oll  a. FL   D.O. B. 5/1  18/J P.O. B.:   a City, FL
       Fav Song  "'ne" • M   a           Fav  Song:"S..m   eyourar .. dy"·A. K
       Fav  logan: "Too Sw  r            Fav  Slogan · "Thhra on the realla'"
       Ac:compllahmenta  Footbel (II), (10), (11 ), (12), Soc:c« (II).   Ac:compllahmenta  Band (9), N.J  lary (10), Pap Club
       (10), (11), (12), Lao ClubVP· (11), Pr  .• (12)   111), Jou   sm (12)
       Goal•  "Sports &o.dcast  ,.       Goala. "To~ a g-tnc nuraa•
       Memorl  a:   • won 11ght With one punch."
                                         JAN  A PITTS
       KATHY DEE OGDEN                   N cknanM  • Janna Ray"
          name:"Kar                      D 0.8. 10/181711 P.O B : La  a City. FL
       00.8  &'2118/JPO.B.:   aCity,Fl   Fav Song · ·sw .. t Home Alabama" Lynard Skyna.rd
                                         Fav   ogan : "Thhrs  oce·
       Fav Song  "o.vt   down to Gaorg&a"   Ac:compllahmanta: Prom Coordinator (II  , Ball~
       Fav   ogan :-o.m·                 Secretary (II). OCT   n, Secretary Club Album
       Accompllahmenta· Band (II), ( 1 0), (11 ), (12), Dance Club   (11), CECF State Voce President (12)
       (12), Who'l Who (12)              Goal•· "Denta'"
       Goal• : "F' Tharapolt"     Mamorlea: "Sirapl   aandals ware legal."
       Memorlaa  "Sa  • of  •  Sax  1 on the bind bue •
                                         KHAULAH POLLOCK
       O.O.B   1518/JPO.B:Stan  rd,CA    MELAN E POOLE
       Fav Song : • AI   ya• • Bon Jo\A
       Ac:compllahmentl: Acadamoc A   rd (II), (10), Color Guard   THERESA L  PO   LL
       Leiter (10), Aacogntoon of •c• ancaln psychology"   cknanM: "TH"
                                         D.O. B.  11/21177
                                         Fav  Song : "I   do anything"· G
                   Pp                    Fav  Slogan. ·a. true to yoursa  •
                                         Goa Ia ·"To hiV8 a La  Entorcam  n  job."
                                         Memorial  "The TNchara doong the Maca rena·
                                         ANGELA PREVATT
       MARY~CE                            cknama: "Ang•a•
                                         D.OB. 111171711 PO.B :Game   e.  FL
       KELLY MARIE PARK                  Ac:com  lahmenta: Beta Club (II), French Cklb (10),
        cknama  "Keiper"                 (11),   SA(10),(11),(12),  abona  HonorSocoety(10),
       D.O.B  1014'711 PO B • Jacl<sorM  •· FL   Disney's Of .. marw and Doerw A,..rd,  atJOnal H  tory
       Fav  logan  .,,   't 011ar ya  •   Fa~r (10), Pralidant.  ahona  Honor Socoety (11), (12),
       Accompllahmenta: OJT (10), OCT (11), (12)   Ball Club (12)
       Goa Ia: "Go to Conage •           Goala: "Attend UF and beconM a surgeon."
       JOSHUA PASCHALL                   DON  APRICE
                                          cknama • "The Don"
       CHARLES PATE                      O.O.B  211318/J PO. B.: Lah City, FL
                                         Fav  Song : "I Be •.val Can Fly"· A. Kelty
                                         Fav. Slogan . "The stars are only the   I If you stop
                                         raechong once you get  am.·
                                         Accompllahmanta  Beta Club (SI), Marching Band (9),
                                         (10), (11), (12), Drama Club (9), 220 hours of Comsro
                                         ty Sarka (9), Honor Sc1C11ty (9), (11), (12), Concert
       RAHULKUMAR PATEL                  Band (10), (11), (12), Acadamoc L  er (10), Band L  er
       D.O.B  4/14'711 P.O.B.: lnd,.     (10), (11 ). Chorua (11 ), (12), Ac.adarnte Bar (11 ), Chorus
       Fav Song· ,  Ba  we I Can Fly"· A  eby   Letter(12)
       Fav Slogan : "I don't know."      Goala: "I would  •  to transfer to UF, rNJOI' on  ITIICrobloio-
       Ac:compllahmanta  Student Council A  p. (II), (10), Mu alpha   gy. transfer to rnadicalachool and become 11  era sur-
       thatl (12)                        eon or ped11tnc,.n •
       Goala: ·au  ln ... Admin  trabon and Managamenr   rlaa  ,  remember when the , .. chars did the
       MamoriN'   r. Campba  confused me WI   my~  Ofaem Land   at Homeoomong  nd one of the t .. ch-
       try"                              ara wore lea  er and rode a btKe around the gym to the
                                         aong "Bad to the Bone·
       D.O.B   '111711 P.O.B.:FL Myars,FL   CHRIS11NA MARtE PRINCE
       Fav Song : "T  a My Br..  Away" • Top Gun   N   nanM: •  ss•
                                         OOB.111 &81JP.O.B :la eCity, FL
       Ac:compllahmenta: Vo  eybell (II), (1 0), (11 ), Soltbel (II),
       (10), (11 ), Soltbel  & Voleybell hlg   GPA A   rd (II), (10),   Fav  Song  ,11 Be M ssong You"· Pu  Daddy. F   and
       Acadamoc Latter (II), (10), Honor Rol (10), (11 ), (12), CBE   Fav Slogan : "I magma thar and "W  , alng  •
       (12),\loluntHr of the y .. r (12), Beta Club (12)
                                         AccompllahnMnte: Pa~ Attanda'ICa (9); Outstanding
       Goal a: "Ma)Ot' In Elementary Educabon •   Cadet· Letter (9), (10), (11), (12); Perfect Att  ndanca
                                         (10). L .. dership Award (10)
       BRADLEY PERRY                     Goala:, want to study to be a Game Warden"
                                         Mamorlea  '1-iomacomong••
       Nickname  "'uutta"                CUR11S PROVEAIJX
       D.O. B.   171711 PO.B :   a City, FL
       Fav Song : "AI We lay"- Shoriey Murdock
       Fav Slogan : "Shut Up 1 "                     Rr
       Accompllahmanta: Volaybal  (9), (10) ·Sports~
       Aw  rd(10),FuturaEduceiOr  Club(11),(12)
       Goala : "To be a Computer Programmer"
                                         AMORITA RANDALL
       REBECCA MARtE PERRY                 nanM: •Am  •
         nanM  "Becky"                   0  0.8  9171711 PO.B :Gienwood Spnng  , CO
       D.O.B  11113PO.B.:   aCity,FL     Fav  Song., can't tall you or I hive to   you."
                                                                                                    Sen1or Index  221
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