Page 350 - chs-1998
P. 350

erese 'Marie Xo nes

                                               just RmU!mb~r . .
                                               Kmd~rgartm, Epiphany,  rtrl.'i<:outs,  Campouts,  Btrtbda_y Partt~s. Softball,  Cburkadmg,  Proms and so
                                               mucb  mor~ to  look forward  to  }(m art  btautifol,  bn//iant,  and tbt most  wondtrjul daugbur any
                                               parrot  could drtam  of  bat•mg  }ou bavt worktd so  bard to  obtam  tlu goals  tbat you  bavt ut for
                                               _yourulf. and I  know _you  won't gtvt up  umil_you aclntvt tbtm  I  know _your  lngb  morals,  stong st11st
                                               of uljWortb,  a11d tkummzattOII  wtlllulp you tbrougb all tbt tough dtcmons  tbat lift bas  in  start for
                                               _you  II t  art so proud to  bt _your partlltS
                                                 1ft Low  }ou Baby Girl,
                                                    MaTII4  &  D'add_y

                                                                           One  thmg  that  I hme alum'S  admrred about ;ou  IS  your
                                                                           u rllm 'lless lo uor  bard alit I your tletermma110n  to excel m
                                                                           en:r; thing you do  Hm ll! accomplr.shed a great many things
                                                                           lhu  far,  mul I m  ure you t   ot a lot  more to com   I H!
                                                                           aluays been tery proud of the beautiful pe  oulhnl you are
                                                                           in ide and out  >ou're made the ;ob of bemg a  Br• Brother"
                                                                           ea\)' for me  becmre I kneu· lnerer had to 11'011)' about you
                                                                           The  ky  IS  the  fum/ for your future and I knou· )'OU  can  do
                                                                           u haletu you  el your mil tel to.  Con•mtufatron  !
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