Page 351 - chs-1998
P. 351
'Bianca Washington
'ToourPrecio~ 'Daugfittr'Bian(a,
May qoa (Ontinuo~(y6ft ~you . .. -:u :now~ agl:Jlim in a(( youru·a~ ana!1k uiff
airut yourpatfi. 'Bun :1. you are our fir~t 6om, ana you fiut't 6an a joy since 6trtfi.
<u'e are 0 t'try proutf O(IJOU ana youruccomp zsfiments at ~cfwof. Continue to 6t! tfie
frglit in tlii.> u10rM of .Ia~ n ,s. '11 'dot•e you anti prat.>e qoaforyou.
:!ifnum6er thi.> pragerin gour time o/re:u!g u'antin_g to{noui'J1~1{0ana11!JfCJ...i'E .!ft:.'U are:
Lorrf fu{p JtU to tum tfu praise am{ tufmiration tli4t otfurs li4ve of Jtu,
towara you, tfu one wfw tru{y rfuerves it.
!JU{p JtU to remain. 6a!anua to see as tfuy na!!y are.
~ tli4t I am, or ever fwpe to 6e, is in. you.
I can iUJ notnin.g_ witfwut you, tnrougn you I can tfo JtLL
Continue to teacf~ JtU to 6e num6u wit/Wut Cosin.g my personaCity ana
tfu uniqueness you QOrJe Jtu.
I won 't tnin.t too n19M!J or Cow{y of mysdfi fu{p_ JtU not to yitUf to priie.
Let my testilnonits of suu ess, 6e a testimony oJ your Cove cin.t{ grace.
!for it Was your grace ana Jturcy tfi4t 6rought J1U tnrougn.
% qoa6c tliegloryfortlie tliing~ lie fra.. tfonel ')ougo gin!
Mom. 'Da.f, ."t ~ 'fiantt, ."tmra, ana (jranny